I am very proud to NOT be a part of the current generation. I look at these early 20 somethings and teens and laugh. Ya’ll look damn ridiculous with skinny jeans on and you weigh 175 and are trying to sag. Scarves around your neck like its cold in California and the gayest flock of seagulls haircuts ever. And please…the Mohawk is ONLY for Mr. T. And the music! Lord, at least my generation appreciates and respects the real music of generations past. Ya’ll all hopped up on Katy Perry, LMFAO and Lil Wayne “ain’t got shit to talk about” ass. I yearn for the days of feel good music. Today’s music doesn’t make me feel good. It’s so watered down and devoid of any kind of real emotion. All people talk about is drinking, sex, and cars, and money and jewelry and they can’t even find a clever way to say it. Remember when you didn’t know what the hell a song was about until you came of age and was like…OOOHHHH, EWWWWWW! But it was your jam. GENERATION X RULES!