Had an interesting dream last night, I guess we were on Neverland or my dream version of it and there were shooting stars. I believe some of my family was there. We were all out on this lush backyard/pasture celebrating. There may have been food or something, but we were a ways from it. Sp anyway, I took Michael’s hand and was like “look shooting stars.” He didn’t see the first few. The sky had a purple tint to it that night…kind of like the MAC computer desktop. We hugged side by side and watched. This time Neverland was right off the highway. Somehow right along the side where the 101 and 405 meet. The trees you saw sticking up between the highway were Neverland trees. It felt so col. We were friends in an embrace. TV Guide channel is all Mike all the time again. The dancer who does TWYMMF said he would give hugs and one time she said “you always smell good” and he replied “I should.” Hey, another background singer was back. The Dorien dude who had the slightly blonde hair and drawn on facial hair on the BAD Tour.
Got that Rabbi book for my bday, but will return it. He doesn’t sit right with me. Can’t support anything that aids him in existing. Speaking of birthdays. Mine started out great and ended in a whimper. Like putting down Old Yeller. Mingle and Plei was absolutely great. I had a ball and thank all if those in attendance. I overslept for the health fair, but made it. Everything looked nice. Dude from Hot 92.3 gave me tickets to see Boyz II Men for my bday. Every interaction I have ever had with that station has been a positive one. They seem to hire cool, quality people. If only I could remember that dude’s name. The massage was ok. Got there late, therefore, it was only a 40 minute massage. Took forever to get to TTW. Damn LA traffic, but we got there. There were so man people. It felt like this event didn’t belong to us. We were just pawns in some game. I had trouble just finding people I knew. Wish I would have had friends to share the experience with. Sorors came, but missed the whole thin. We did get a free Tapout T shirt. I don’t even know what that is. They say 6,000 people danced. They even had people with special wristbands who got to dance up front. Thus event didn’t belong to the fans. I think it would have if AEG weren’t involved. The best zombie out there was Amy Winehouse. Yes there was an Amy Winehouse Zombie, Bee Hive and All! Despite the rules there was a good 100 Michael Jacksons out there. There were people dancing who didn’t even have their zombie on. They were just dancing. Got some love from my Zombie Valley people.
And then shit went down hill. Went to dinner. It was good. No one showed, but family and we rode together Got to the Echo. No one showed, but one person and it was nearly 1am. We were ready to go because hands down it was the worst club I have ever been to. They played funky soul, but no one song we had actually heard of. The crowd was young Asians, Nik and Oronde saw the lead singing Bee Gee…so they say. Best thing about the night was the slice of pizza I had from Two Boots.
And now I am on the commuter bus, wishing I didn’t have to go to the god forsaken job. I hope the rest of my week gets better,
Now that I know Michael had absolutely nothing to do with the release of the THIS IS IT song, I’m not too sure about how I feel. If he didn’t initiate its release then it wasn’t good enough. I don’t like this posthumous shit! Initially I’m like cool…Mike and the brothers did this back in the day. But now I hear that some people just threw them elements together. It’s just sucky that you lose control over yourself.
Prince is such an ass I bet he’ll have his estate burn his music and mix it with his ashes in an urn to make sure nobody releases any of his music posthumous.
I don’t think straight weaves are for me. This already looks crappy. And it’s day 4. No need in me going in for a tightening because this wont be in for more than a month… I’ll see how it goes once I put some product on it. There are just always stray hairs and it tangles in the back and loses its curl.
I keep forgetting to write this, but last week I walked past this guy who looked like Dr. Pratt’s gay little brother on ER. I bet it was him, but the question is…what was he doing in the federal building. Humh? Looking back and I feel as if I haven’t accomplished anything since I’ve been in California. I just feel stagnant. Now at 28 life sucks and I feel like a loser…in debt for an education that really ain’t helped me worth shit.
I feel like doodling. Insert doodle here:
Why did Lorraine shoot herself? I mean like…did Ike’s dick have super powers? Never experienced that kind of love…can’t grasp the concept. Why she here Ike? Why she here?