Was watching some show about NWA and what exactly did Yella do in the group? Ice Cube has a big face. Easy E was cute; Nice perked lips. It seemed like AIDS took him way to fast. He had to have had it for years. The offices of Ruthless Records looks like the same building Edmonds Entertainment is at now. Had a dumb moment where I forgot BONE was am Eazy E group. I feel very proud of them and what they accomplished. I don’t have a real memory of the group and their impact as I was like 7 when they came out. Ice Cube CGI.
Funny how this was a rap group with a lead rapper and he didn’t want to rap in the first place. I wonder if Dre has any regrets. He has been associated with a whole bunch of drama and somehow he came out clean. I also forgot that AJ Johnson played Sleazy E in that one Dre video.