Whoever thought to make the governmental seal with the spread eagle? It’s really explicit. The little red, white, and blue shield looks like it’s hiding the eagles’ bits. Some turkey legs would be nice. Like the ones from Six Flags.
I wonder whats going to happen with magic mountain now the Disney is talking about building a park in Santa Clarita.
I am so addicted ti apples and peanut butter. It’s like some new invention to my taste buds. I’m tempted to just eat peanut butter. God this is an awesome food!
Today a dude came to my window with the most luxurious hair. And it was jet black. I mean, it had slow motion body like Prince Charming on Shrek. He got Joe Lawrence on Blossom beat! I just wanted to run my fingers through it.
There was the white dude in the lobby looking like a dingy Shadow Stevens.
Don’t zone out during presentations and start admiring the speakers body. I did it and before long I had him cooking me eggs naked in the kitchen like Ving Rhames on Baby Boy. Sir Yes Sir!
It’s amazing how people bodies can stretch with weight gain.
I wish this old slightly demented lady would shut up. She always talking in circles and repeating shit. She ain’t even talking to me and I am irritated.