You know what I like, the little lines to the side of his eyes when he smiles. Accentuates his Jacksons cheek bones. The special edition of Ebony is finally on shelves. Beautiful book and I have another fave Mike pic. It’s of him on BAD tour in Japan and he looks to be doing his mime moves at the end of Human Nature. The camera is below him and it is at an angle that shows him looking up. You can kinda see straight up his nose, but the best part is his eyes. He is just looking straight up and I can really see him in there and it is just so beautiful. You know I have eye-it is. His eyelashes are all parted like he has on mascara.
See, his skin be looking fine. I wonder what he used for his acne. Did a great job. Proactive BB (Before Britney). I remember I was at Wal-Mart like year or two ago buying facial stuff and low and behold they still sell Porcelana. It’s the face stuff Mike and LaToya used to use in the 70’s…so I read. The Ebony book makes me happy. I really enjoy reading his words. Cool interviews…and I am happy to know that I have 9 of the 15 Ebonies with Mike on the cover. Thanks Johnson Publications. Never have a read a cover or article about Mike in Jet or Ebony that bought in to the sensationalism.