Forgot yesterday. I saw a man jogging in his boxer briefs. That is dedication! I forgot my shorts…well I’ma jog in my drawers.
I have the bestest cousin ever. Thanks for checking on me. I’m glad I’m at the window today. It’s keeping my mind engaged therefore I wont have time to think about today. I did tear up when the lady asked if I needed a card for the flowers I bought. I answered no. There is no one to read a card. Then people at work saw the flowers and were like Ooh you got flowers! I just had to dryly answer no…I bought them for someone. I have one co-worker who has been diminutively supportive and I am thankful.
It’s 3:56pm and I’m nervous. Hard to hold back the tears.
So I went alone. I could have parked way closer. There was a mini mountain to walk up. I felt like I was on the verge of having an asthma attack. Three was about 100 people there. I saw a lady and her son from last year’s valley TTW practices. A black lady talked to me. That was nice of her. There were so many flowers. Lots of banners representing people’s countries. Apparently they released the doves some time today. I probably could have drove in there. People were up there parked in cars. Even saw one charter bus full of people. I didn’t cry. I teared up, but didn’t let a tear fall. Security had to place your flowers and stuff for you. For the most part they were nice. I bet they got a nice work out today doing that thousands of times. We could only sit flowers around the back at the door that said Holly Terrace. These girls were boo hooing and I was on the verge of crying. I hate to see others cry. I thank God for Darren. I really don’t know where I would be without him.
I saw people graves who were born during slavery; Died in the 1950’s. There was one impersonator there. I feel it’s disrespectful at the cemetery. Leave that for an entertaining occasion. Another wacker looking one was outside the gates. When I walked up that mountain alone it felt really symbolic. Big and meaningful. Like it meant something for me to do it alone. KJLH is playing all Mike today.
Didn’t know Prince was gonna be the big award getting person at the BET awards. Soooo… the party was wack. It started off alright. They didn’t play ALL Mike. They had This Is It on loop. The dudes there were wack. There was bad ventilation. Some of the chicks in there looked so young. Did they just turn 21 yesterday? My feet started hurting and I was hot so I sat down…I was down for over an hour. Even after the DJ got back to playing Mike I was still so over the event. Glad I didn’t pay a cover. This [arty lacked the awesome energy and positivity the MJ v. Prince Party had. STONE THE DJ!!!!! This dude can’t mix Mike to maximum Mikeness. How he go from Workin’ Day and Night to Beat It?????? A better song would have been the PYT remix or Off The Wall. The way he stacks the songs is not cohesive. It seems really random. One mood doesn’t get slowly transitioned to the other and when he did play a good song (I.E. Luchini) he stopped it after 1 hook then played something else then went back to it. I found myself just sitting and watching THIS IS IT or playing Diner Dash. Or just sitting and vibin’, but I didn’t feel compelled to dance. I won’t be going back to that event and if I do somehow find myself back there I am not dressing up I hope tomorrow will be a better day.
That DJ didn’t play Shakeabadadown or DSTYGE or BAD. He didn’t play anything obscure, no B sides or nothing! He was incapable of making us feel the spirit; The Magic.
But the best thing about the party is that the DJ played Freaks of the Industry so I got to do our PB Stroll al by myself, but I was so excited.