Looking for a black man. Age 25-35. High School Grad (w/ some awesome reason why they didn’t go to or finish college). Dark skinned. 5’9” or taller. Not Fat. Nice smile (Must have all of your teeth and they must be clean and a nice shade of white). Nice eyes. Intelligent. Funny. Witty. Outgoing. No kids. Non-Smoker. Must be employed and have ambition in life. MUST LOVE MUSIC. Don’t wear skinny jeans, sandals, scarves for no damn reason, or busy ass Ed Hardy or knock off Ed Hardy-esque clothing.
Are those things too much to ask for? It doesn’t seem like a lot to me. Maybe I am just in the wrong place. Los Angeles: The land of the gay man and the thug man. Or if you are in the middle you looking like a Marques Houston Ass Nigga.
I don’t wear a long Indian remy weave. Although I do dabble in the art of wiggetry (I wear wigs for hair diversity). I am not light skinned and I don’t wear a size 2. I am black and no parts of my immediate lineage are Pacific Islander or Mexican. I am not a girly girl so be confident in yourself enough to exist without me constantly stroking your ego, although I will stroke something else. Just looking for someone to spend some life with, ya dig.
And don’t start preaching about the problems with black women. I ain’t did shit to you. You better holla at Keisha on that shit or go to therapy.