You fuckin kidding me? Out of all the shows to bring back, this shit? In the times we are living in BET decides to bring back programming that doesn’t push positivity, spread knowledge, and enforce black pride. Unbelievably irresponsible!
Even though BET isn’t owned and operated by Black people anymore, you’d think that the couple of Black people they do have at the helm would push for BET to go back to its essence and reflect the voice and lives of Black people. But nooooo, these fools are bringing back Uncut. I would love to hear the rationale behind this fuckery!
There have been so many good shows in the past that they could have chose from. How about Teen Summit? Our children are under attack. Teen Summit would be a great platform to discuss the times, engage youth, encourage leadership, and bring about solutions. But noooo, these fools are bringing back Uncut.
How about BET News? We are complaining about how the media is racist. Let’s be the Black News for the Black People. Where Ed, Roland, and Jacque at?
Damn it, what about Comic View? We need a laugh during these trying times. Comedy=Therapy
Shit, bring Donnie Simpson back to just talk to us about stuff event if you won’t show a music video.
How about they give some of the great black web-series on YouTube a chance to shine?
At a time when we should be using our collective voices to uplift, they are spewing out bile from the past. We have enough ass shaking in the media, we really don’t need anymore. BET should be excommunicated from Black American History. No content, No Substance, No Reality. Just faking the funk, trying to be hip for the white folks to see. BET Brings Back Uncut: I Guess Black Lives Don’t Matter to Them.