Stupidest thing I’ve ever seen on the cover of anything. The National Enquirer has a picture and a title that says, “Michael Jackson died right here.” And there’s an arrow pointing to a spot on a bed with white linens. DUMB MCFUCKY FUCK FUCKS! by
Author: wpps-support
Care Free Curl
HAAA, Mike had a Care Free Curl! I was pondering that a while back in a past blog entry. Thanks Miss Lottie Claudie! by
Ebony Commemorative Issue
I bought a new commemorative issue of Ebony. There is a difference between a Special Tribute Issue and a Commemorative Issue. Have you ever read something and had to just cuss out loud and kind of jump around. Michael Eric Dyson just made me do that, when reading his article about Mike in this new…
Mike is Billy Dee Williams-esque
I set that pointing picture of the final rehearsal as my desktop. I really like that damn red shirt and for some reason that ensemble works…even though the pants and jacket have 2 totally different textures. MJ Cool posted some new pics on his MySpace and I copied one. It’s interesting. He looks really dude-ish…
Observation…3 Birds
OK, Observation. There are 3 birds on the patio that won’t move. Usually birds are jumping to and fro looking for food, but these three birds haven’t moved in a good 10 minutes. The one on the table looks to be hurt. His wing isn’t neatly tucked like the others. Bird #2 is on the…
How I Feel
How I feel doesn’t have to make sense. Sense doesn’t make my feeling any less valid. Yea, I said fuck the veterans and in that current state of mind, I meant that shit. by
I saw obsessed yesterday. It wasn’t bad. Glad to know Idris didn’t actually indulge in the affair with the white chick. I like him better with facial hair. I loves the cut of his jib. Maybe I’ll find a black man from anther country. The fight scene between white chick and beyonce was stupid. That…
I talk to myself cuz there is no one to talk to
What do you do when you reply back to a statement you just made? Both being said aloud. by
Tasia Rino!
The pain in Fantasia’s voice speaks to me. I find myself fighting back the tears I cried when watching her sing Summertime live on Idol 5 years ago. by
Steve Harvey Show on KJLH
Today is the first day of the Steve Harvey Show; I think they are based out of LA now by the way they are talking. OMG OMG OMG! Tommy just broke me down. Steve is talking about how him and Stevie go way back and Tommy says, “You talking like ya’ll was slaves together.” That…