Technically 10-29-09
Why does Anderson Cooper look the way he does? I am starting to accept the fact that I may not be able to get back into TV. And with the state of news; looking from the outside in: is it something I agree with? The direction of television news is going in–does it align with who I am and what I want to achieve in life?
You know what’s noticeable at the Memphis airport…the lack of colored people. Ooh remembered something else from THIS IS IT. Mike was talking about the state of the U.S./World and he said…we have 4 years to get it right. Humh, was he referring to Obama?
Sooo, its 8:58am. Memphis, TN and my flight got cancelled. I don’t fly out to KC until 2:30pm. 6 hours in Memphis looking stupid without a book to read. All I can do now is write a book. Damn! I lost a whole day in KC.
A good 2 people are taking swine flue super seriously. A dude on my flight had on a mask and a lady getting off another flight had on one too.
I think I just saw this fat dude looking at me while I was eating.
You ever get different service from black people because you’re black? I promise you black waitress is more jovial with the fuckin’ white lady. Weird Dream At The Airport (wrote that with my left hand and trying to illustrate the oddness via the computer) I was married to Maxwell. Well then it became the middle Eastern equivalent of Maxwell. We are walking down some big city street in like New York. We seem to be on out way from work walking hand in hand and really engaging each other. We cross a street and Tavis Smiley/Judge Mathis is out there shooting something. So Maxwell and him holler at each other. He leads me to the goldline subway. He is very touchy feely and tells me I have a big cookie pie, but he uses other words. Then we are getting on some small airplane instead of the train. Ain’t enough room for everyone. Taryn and Tashi are on it too. There’s some white people in the back compartment and the white husband makes a racist remark about my husband when he comes out of the back and see’s a colored person. For some reason I was in the backroom and came out to read him the riot act. I was fully aware of the fact that this could emasculate Maxwell (who is no longer the middle eastern version). So I’m reading this dude up and down showing my education by using big words and not going ghetto girl on him. Then for some reason he is not in front of me anymore. I am talking to him through a phone which is really a piece of Danish. He hung up on me. Then everyone is back on the plane, seated with all baggage put away.
Hey! America’s best Dance Crew is at the airport!…just kidding, but there are like 3 little Asian dudes.
I am still tickled by Mike doing that pelvis thrust in slow motion on Billie Jean. You need to see the face he makes. It’s like an “aooowww” feels good face. I mean he was slow winding it! Hey HLN just said THIS IS TI has made 7 million so far. GO MICHAEL! WHOOOO! You know… I haven’t seen one person at the airport reppin’ Mike in the 6 hrs I’ve been here. Guess that’s a good thing about LA. Hey, that makes cool thing about LA #5…people show their love for Mike. Yo, they transition out of Thriller with Threatened. Man that song hits so hard!