Let me point out the obvious. Black folks have been slaughtered by the system for generations. But I pose to you this question: Are the whites upset because of the injustice, inequality, denying of humanity, and hate displayed towards Black people in this country OR are they upset because a white lady got killed in Charlottesville?
Real talk, all of this new bravado, I wanna be an ally shit is real suspect. So What Ya’ll Really In An Uproad About?
There has been no real rage about DeAndre Harris who was mobbed. In all photos and video that I have seen the police stood by and allowed the racists to incite a riot.
We can preach unity all day, but it’s not going to happen. It has never happened and the underpinning of this american capitalist society will make sure of it. I saw a great Instagram post from @NecessaryBlackness and it read: “Until we adopt a race first philosophy towards our scholarship, activism, and liberation we will continue to lose, while helping them win.”
They have always put their race first. You have no white friends. Realize that and let’s move forward as a Global African Nation.