I’m tired of seeing people being tryflin/triflent. The other day I saw a man on the corner digging all up in his nose. And I just saw a man on the bus stop scratching his crotch. nasty ass. by
Month: February 2010
Pity Party of the day
Was watching the VH1 special about Soul Train and the highlighted the Robot and showed footage of my beloved. I looked into his eyes and just bawled. This is so unfair and I am just unbelievably hurt…down to my core. by
Life After People is the stupidest concept of show ever
Its all about the end of the world and fear breeding and shit. by
Keyword; SHOULD Mothafucka, SHOULD!
2/2/10Keyword; SHOULD Mothafucka, SHOULD! That is not a definitive answer. It leaves colossal room for questions. Damn, the odds are not in my favor for jury duty. I only count 3 other black women in here, Sometimes you have to be proud of the things that seem menial. Some years back when I was on…
Are We Really The World?
2/3/2010 Do away with I’m in the most heinous manner. The death penalty would not be enough. I don’t think there is a kind of justice to vindicate our loss. My beloved. How do you live life? And be ok with who you are and where you are right now at this moment. So, as…
My play-by-play commentary on the Lost Final Season Premiere:
My play-by-play commentary on the Lost Final Season Premiere: Ooh chile, how did Desmond get on the plane? Oooooh, the island is under water and there go that big foot. Oh lord please don’t let Jacob do nothing to Hurley. Get Em Richard! “Maybe you should talk to him first”, ha! Aww, Charlie Od’d ….
Sisqo has a lickable ass
Why I’m here Ike? Why I’m here?
2/1/10 You ever wonder what is this thing that we live on. What is it? What is it all about and why do we exist? The reason really isn’t obvious to me because every morning I wake up my feet don’t hit the floor with purpose. When you lack passion and interest-you might as well…
Camera’s and Red Eye
Can they make a camera or program that gets rid of blue eye. I sometimes have blue eyes in dark pictures and I can’t find a way to remedy it. Camera is racist, ha! by